Taking the big step of living and working in the United States can be quite exciting for many individuals. However, it is important to choose the right type of visa and understand the application process to achieve this goal. Here are 5 different visa options that can be easily obtained for those who want to work in America.

H-1B Visa Temporary Work in Specialized Fields
The H-1B visa, often preferred by those who want to work temporarily in America, is granted to individuals who have received high education and specialization in a specific profession. This visa allows living and working in the U.S. for 3 years, with the possibility of extension for another 3 years if needed.

H-2B Visa Non-Agricultural Worker Visa
The H-2B visa is issued to meet the seasonal labor needs in non-agricultural sectors. It involves specific conditions for both the employer and the employee and can be granted for a maximum period of 3 years.

F-1 / M-1 Visas Work Permission for Students
Those who want to receive full-time academic or professional education in the United States can obtain work permission under F (academic students) or M (vocational students) visas, subject to certain conditions.

B-1, WB, GB Visas Temporary Work Permit for Business Visits
B-1, WB, GB visas are valid for business visits to the U.S. and provide a temporary work permit for those who do not have visa-free entry under the Visa Waiver Program.

O-1 Visa For Individuals with Extraordinary Abilities
The O-1 visa is granted to individuals with extraordinary abilities, making it an ideal option for those who have achieved significant success in fields such as science, art, sports, education, etc.

Other Temporary Visa Types

  • H-2A Visa Issued for seasonal agricultural workers.
  • H-3 Visa Provided to medical or academic trainees.
  • I Visa Granted to foreign press, radio, and film representatives.
  • L-1A Visa Issued for executive positions in internal company transfers.
  • Obtaining a Permanent Worker (Immigrant) Visa

Individuals wishing to live in the U.S. can apply for an immigrant visa each year based on their skills and experiences. The USCIS I-765 form is used for work permits, and this process is a comprehensive step for those seeking permission to work and live in America.

Ensuring the Transition of Your Career to America

While there are many options for those who want to work in America, choosing the right visa and managing the application process correctly is crucial. You can contact our expert attorneys to provide support during this challenging process and receive legal guidance. We are here to help you fulfill your dream of working in the United States.

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